When it comes to viewing images within a layout, most desktop publishing tools-ask designers to compromise on quality, performance, or both. In contrast, by utilizing the latest processor technology, the Adaptive Resolution feature in the software delivers high-resolution images every time without compromising performance. One of the most time-consuming aspects of design and production is getting to the right tool at the right time. The program minimizes your trips to the Tools Palette by putting the right tools at your fingertips. Is there a logo, a design, a run of text you use all the time? Put them in a library - then the next time you need it, you can just drag a copy of it from the library to the page. To get the big picture, you have to zoom out. This software lets you do both at the same time. With the Split View feature, you can divide a window into separate views of the same layout, and each view acts as a separate window, with its own magnification.
You can even divide views across multiple monitors.